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Nintendo Info

2-D or Not 2-D - Want to learn the history of 2D and 3D go here.
3rd Party Support - This is a list of 3rd Party Game developers.
Birth Of A Hedgehog - You can learn the history of Sonic the Hedgegog here.
Club Nintendo Info - You can learn what Club Nintendo is here.
Club Nintendo Rewards - This is the list of Club Nintendo rewards from 2009 and beyond.
E For All Room - Nintendo was apart of E for All or E4 go here to learn about it.
Future releases - This is where you can go to learn what all is coming soon for Nintendo's DS/DSI and Wii
History Of Mario - Want to learn where Mario came from go here.
History Of Sonic - Want to learn about Sonic's history go here.
Japanese Words - This is where you go to learn a bit of Japanese words that are related to Nintendo.
Japan releases - This is a list of Japanese Game Releases.
Lands of hyrule - Want to see what lands have been apart of the Zelda Universe go here.
Legend - The story of Hyrule can be explained here.
Mario In Japan - This explains the Mario Character's names in Japanese.
Men Of Mario - This explains who all is behind the Mario Game series.
Nintendo Bios - This is where you can go to learn who all is or has worked for Nintendo in the past.
Nintendo History - This is where you co go to learn about Nintendo's company history.
Nintendo Sales Figures - Want to know some of Nintendo's sales figures go here.
Nintendo World Store - This explains what the Nintendo World Store is.
Races of hyrule - You can learn what Character Races have been in past Zelda games.
Rosalina's Story - This is where you will learn about the Super Mario Galaxy Character Rosalina.
Stories - This is where you can read fan stories or you can submit one.
System Releases - This where you can learn about Systems released by Nintendo.Redesigns are included as well.
Wiikly Jokes - This is a section i made up making fun of the Wii name.
Wii Preview - This was just to preview the Wii System before it was released.

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