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E3 Section

E3 news and other E3 related stuff.

Zelda 101's E3 Room

The Electronic Entertainment Expo or (E3) as it is known is the biggest Video Game event of the year.The biggest companies that go to the event are Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony.

It use to take place in May.But since it was turned into a media summit from 2007 to 2008 Nintendo had a Fall Summit to show off more stuff those years.

E3 2009 was a bigger year than in years past.It had Nintendo showing off 4 new Mario Games, Metroid other M, and then some 3rd party stuff as well.E3 2009 was not considered a big success nor was it considered the biggest failure.It was however a bigger success that the show has seen since E3 2007 and E3 2008.

E3 2010 will take place from June 15-17, 2010.It will take place in the LA Convention Center

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